Reboot Your Research

Down Below, here are 2 videos that show the importance of peace inour world and how making sure that the generations coming after us grow up to be better and excepting of others in society regardless of skin pigmentation.


The Next Couple of Resources are three articles and some quizzes that you can take with the family or within the classroom workshops in order to get a discussion going on.

Racial Bais

*Racial Bais is another topic that parents and teachers and other guardians find it hard to straight discuss at home or in school with the child. Remember that there is never a good time - but make the child learn interactively and learn the best way possible on how to handle this as the evolve. MAKE THEM HEAR YOU IN KID TONE. (

Equality and Diversity

*Allow for kids to learn the meaning behind equality, what equality looks and feels like, and how to execute a good many in and out of school with the voices that they all have. (

BLM: The Movement!

*This pandemic has opened the eyes of many families - financially, physically, emotionally, and mentally. The many years of cruelty against people of color has gone on way to far and now, children are being affected by these protests on a daily basis. Children - I call upon you to ask your mothers and fathers to tell you the correct history of the colored people. Shine your Crystal lights as you go along this journey!! (

Quiz One!

*This one is about equality!! (

Quiz Two!

*This one is about the Black Lives Matter Movement in our modern day!! (